420 Twentieth Street North
Wells Fargo Tower, Suite 2200
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
T: 205.379.1102
F: 205.379.1001
City of Birmingham, Alabama
Title Insurance, Title Searches, Title Commitments
Legal Services to Office of Community Development (CDBG, HOME Funds,)
Legal Services to office of Economic Development
Legal Services to Office of Mayor
Legal Services to the Office of Planning, Engineering & Permits ( FEMA Grant Buyouts)
Co-Bond Counsel
Co-Underwriter’s Counsel
Project Management
FEMA Buyout Mitigation Grants Legal Counsel
Birmingham Airport Authority
Single-Family, Multi-family Closings
Residential & Commercial title searches, commitments & insurance
Condemnation & Eminent Domain Actions
Administrative Settlements
Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Noise Mitigation Buyouts (FAA Grants)
Co-Underwriter’s Counsel
Program and Project Management
Contract Administration and Contract Compliance
State of Alabama
Issurer’s Counsel
Co-Bond Counsel
Co-Underwriter’s Counsel
Disclosure Counsel
Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT)
Title Searches
Legal Services
Jefferson County Committee for Economic Opportunity
Single-Family Closings
Residential & Commercial title searches, commitments & insurance
Administrative Settlements
Project Management
Housing Authority of Birmingham District
Single-Family transaction, HOPE VI funds
Residential & Commercial title searches, commitments & insurance
Administrative Settlements
Jefferson County, Alabama
Single-Family Closings
Residential & Commercial title searches, commitments & insurance
Commercial Transactions
Construction Transactions
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Transactions
HOME, CDBG Transactions
New Market Tax Credits
Monumental Contracting Services, LLC
Single-Family, Multi-family, Commercial Closings
Residential & Commercial title searches, commitments & insurance
Condemnation & Eminent Domain Actions
Administrative Settlements
Acquisition and Relocation of FEMA Grant Buyout Programs
Title Procurement, Court Actions, & Probate of Estates
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama
Single-Family Closings
Residential & Commercial title searches, commitments & insurance
Commercial Transactions
Birmingham Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham
Co-Bond Counsel
Co-Underwriter’s Counsel
Co-Disclosure Counsel